
29 September 2011

Pecha Kucha at Hideaway Cafe

Last night 1000SG was presented at Pecha Kucha 'a night of ideas' which was held at the Hideaway Cafe. There were some amazing presentations and lots of creative ideas being thrown around the room.

Pecha Kucha was a part of a series of creative dialogs
organised by Wollongong City Council as a lead up to Viva La Gong. Viva la Gong is Wollongong's annual one-day sustainable community arts festival that brings to life the city's creative spirit and cultural diversity. Its happening on Saturday 12 November 2011 at MacCabe Park

Photography: Ash Baker & Rachael Cullen

28 September 2011

Night Surfing & The Surfboard Graveyard

A spooky edit of the night surfing & surfboard graveyard! (The 100 board test shoot!)

Video & Edit: Matt Herbet
Music: Neon Indian

20 September 2011


At 4:12 there's an interview which sums up the project quite well

Thanks Bec Fist & UOWtv!

19 September 2011

Night surfing at Graveyard Beach

During the dark hours of Saturday night things got really creeeeepy...
Ghost costumes with tombstone & coffin surfboards were the choices for the evening.
The LA' DIVISION crew R.I.P.ed some small dimly lit wedges at Graveyard Beach, as a test shoot to see how a 100 surfboard graveyard would look.

L A' D I V I S I O N

It's only a sneak-peek of the video to come...

...until then peace out zombies.

15 September 2011

Surfboard Opera House

Surfrider Foundation brought my attention to this unique construction of old surfboards.

It looks like a dog kennel - pimp your pet's crib!

12 September 2011

Carbon Offsetting Surfboards: DECARBONATED

The production of a typical UPR shortboard emits around 170Kg - 200Kg of CO2. Decarbonated Sports has been established so that surfers can offset the carbon foot print of their surfboards.

1. Use the calculator available on the website to determine the carbon foot print of your surfboards (select shortboard, longboard, size etc)

2. Offset the carbon emissions by paying a small amount that will go towards reducing carbon emissions in other areas, E.g. tree planting projects and building low carbon renewable energy p
ower plants.

It is not a 'solution' to the problem but it sure is a positive option for those who want to do something about the environmental impacts of their surfboard.

Try it out @ Decarbonated Sports

11 September 2011

KELLY SLATER Breaks Favourite Surfboard in NY Final

Kelly Slater breaks his 'favourite board' according to CI Surfboards! A tense showdown against Owen Wright in the final saw Slater attempt a backhand punt to try and snatch a win at the first ever surfing event in New York.

His rather interesting five fin board had 'buckled' in the semi-finals but Kelly insisted on using it. Whether you be a 10 time world champion or your average surfer one thing is sure - there's nothing worse than breaking your favourite board.

Source: CI Surfboards Facebook

8 September 2011

TRAILER TRASH: Northern Beaches


The other day I organised a big pick up from a several surfboard manufacturers/repairers along the Northern Beaches, between Mona Vale & Manly. Anticipating a load of 60+ surfboard halves I hired trailer and decided to make a banner for it too! - Good ol' projector style!

Some of the boards look in tact - but they are not. Some of them are foam blanks that were damaged. Most are missing noses/fins and are dinged making them too expensive to repair in comparison to buying a new board. It's one of the major issues with surfboards - they become quite expensive to repair once they are badly damaged, particularly when snapped in half by a heavy wave or stomping a big air (about $150 - $200). 

Big thanks to everyone who helped me out!  The trip yielded 73 halves in total.

Photos/Film by Rhiannon Bannenberg

3 September 2011


A dead thruster customised into a twin fin COFFIN using a saw, paint and duct tape.

Heaps average surf this afternoon, amped to get it out in some decent waves - vid coming soon!

A tribute to the aprox 55million boards out there destined to die in landfill.

2 September 2011

NO DEAL: Guinness World Record

Guinness World Record couldn't accept the record - no reason given just the email below. However, I've decided that I'd probably rather not join the book of freaks!


Dear Mr Christopher Anderson,

Thank you for sending us the details of your recent record attempt for 'The most broken surfboards at a beach'. We are afraid to say that we are unable to accept this as a Guinness World Record.
We receive over 60,000 enquiries a year from which only a small proportion are approved by our experienced researchers to establish new categories. These are not 'made up' to suit an individual proposal, but rather 'evolve' as a result of international competition in a field, which naturally accommodates superlatives of the sort that we are interested in. We think you will appreciate that we are bound to favour those that reflect the greatest interest.

Guinness World Records has absolute discretion as to which record applications are accepted and our decision is final. Guinness World Records may at its discretion and for whatever reason identify some records as either no longer monitored by Guinness World Records or no longer viable.

As your record application has not been accepted, Guinness World Records is in no way associated with the activity relating to your record proposal and we in no way endorse this activity. If you choose to proceed with this activity then this is will be of your own volition and at your own risk.

Once again thank you for your interest in Guinness World Records.

PLEASE DO NOT REPLY DIRECTLY TO THIS EMAIL AS THIS COMES FROM AN UNMONITORED EMAIL ADDRESS, you can contact us via by logging in on the website, and selecting your claim ID number.

Yours sincerely,

Kimberly Partrick

Records Management Team