
8 September 2011

TRAILER TRASH: Northern Beaches


The other day I organised a big pick up from a several surfboard manufacturers/repairers along the Northern Beaches, between Mona Vale & Manly. Anticipating a load of 60+ surfboard halves I hired trailer and decided to make a banner for it too! - Good ol' projector style!

Some of the boards look in tact - but they are not. Some of them are foam blanks that were damaged. Most are missing noses/fins and are dinged making them too expensive to repair in comparison to buying a new board. It's one of the major issues with surfboards - they become quite expensive to repair once they are badly damaged, particularly when snapped in half by a heavy wave or stomping a big air (about $150 - $200). 

Big thanks to everyone who helped me out!  The trip yielded 73 halves in total.

Photos/Film by Rhiannon Bannenberg

1 comment:

  1. Nice effort oak. Makes ya weep to think this many are discarded and how many more just end up in landfill or whatever. Great job for picking them all up. I see a nice sideline in public art in that final pic - like the teeth of some long dead dino.

