
2 September 2011

NO DEAL: Guinness World Record

Guinness World Record couldn't accept the record - no reason given just the email below. However, I've decided that I'd probably rather not join the book of freaks!


Dear Mr Christopher Anderson,

Thank you for sending us the details of your recent record attempt for 'The most broken surfboards at a beach'. We are afraid to say that we are unable to accept this as a Guinness World Record.
We receive over 60,000 enquiries a year from which only a small proportion are approved by our experienced researchers to establish new categories. These are not 'made up' to suit an individual proposal, but rather 'evolve' as a result of international competition in a field, which naturally accommodates superlatives of the sort that we are interested in. We think you will appreciate that we are bound to favour those that reflect the greatest interest.

Guinness World Records has absolute discretion as to which record applications are accepted and our decision is final. Guinness World Records may at its discretion and for whatever reason identify some records as either no longer monitored by Guinness World Records or no longer viable.

As your record application has not been accepted, Guinness World Records is in no way associated with the activity relating to your record proposal and we in no way endorse this activity. If you choose to proceed with this activity then this is will be of your own volition and at your own risk.

Once again thank you for your interest in Guinness World Records.

PLEASE DO NOT REPLY DIRECTLY TO THIS EMAIL AS THIS COMES FROM AN UNMONITORED EMAIL ADDRESS, you can contact us via by logging in on the website, and selecting your claim ID number.

Yours sincerely,

Kimberly Partrick

Records Management Team

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