
29 May 2012

The Broken Skateboard Surfboard: Björn Holm

Finnish designer Björn Holm has been collecting broken skateboards since 2011 from friends, relatives, and fellow skaters in his community. Much like 1000 Surfboard Graveyard, Holm realised that:

'Skateboards are sweet, its just as simple as that. Most people throw them away after they snap. Thousands of boards being used as landfill all over the world, and that´s a shame with this great material inside these boards. Don't throw those boards away, keep them and make something beautiful!'Björn Holm

Holm's creation is a colourful, 100% recycled 6'4" fish surfboard made from nothing but broken/old skateboards. He called the project RETO - REcycle for TOmorrow - see the video for the full story.

Board & Images: Björn Holm -
Video: Patricia Wiklund, posted by

26 May 2012

Cardboard Surfboard: Hand-made By Scott Mac Donough

You may know of the cardboard surfboard kits made by Mike Sheldrake (if not, click HERE NOW). It's not exactly the first material one tends to associate with surfboard construction. Scott Mac Donough has created another innovative cardboard surfboard variation. It may need some fine tuning - but bring on 'The Cardboard'!

24 May 2012

Bringing Back The Dead...

A nice example of a proper surfboard restoration found in the June 2011 Smorgasboarder magazine -

7 May 2012

Thank You. Your 'Like' Counted.

Thank you to everyone who took a moment to like 1000SG's quiver shot because it made the top 5!!! This means it will soon get featured on - - Korduroy.TV is getting quite an online following these days so its rad news for 1000SG!

5 May 2012

Like 1000SG's Photo To Win Korduroy.TV's 'Show Us Your Quiver' Comp!

Help 1000SG to win Korduroy.TV's Show Us Your Quiver Competition!

Take a second to 'Like' the photo ON FACEBOOK HERE!

Most Likes wins...