
31 December 2011

Surfing The Tombstone

Lad in the line up: Are your spreading the word of god or something?
Me: (Laughs) No. I'm building a graveyard...

12 December 2011

Snapped Surfboard From Fatal Shark Attack

Worst nightmare...

Full Article: ABC

5 December 2011

Contemporary 'Surf' Artist: Scott Redford

I came across Australian artist Scott Redford. I really liked his large scale approach to sculpture/installation and the mixture of surf culture with commercial signage + the broken boards!

"Scott Redford is a leading Australian artist who has firmly placed his home town, Queensland's Gold Coast, on the contemporary art map. This major solo exhibition showcases his development of the fictitious character Reinhardt Dammn in dialogue with key works from the last decade. 'Scott Redford: Introducing Reinhardt Dammn' includes surfboard sculptures, videos and paintings, suites of fibreglass objects and canvases with shiny, highly coloured acrylic surfaces"
Source: Queensland Art Gallery

3 December 2011

250 Halves = Quarter of the way...

The collecting continues...

Now storing 250 surfboard halves which means I am quarter of the way of reaching 1000!

Tune into the ongoing collection, like this project @