
31 October 2011

Happy Halloween

30 October 2011

Surfboards used in protest against ASP

Another example of people protesting with dead surfboards! This time at Kangaroo Island against the proposed ASP event.

Read more:

Source: Latest edition (Sep/Oct 2011) of Smorgasboarder:

27 October 2011

Surfboards as anti-csg protest signs

I captured the top two photos whilst on the 'Walk for Water' - proof a broken surfboard makes for a great protest sign.

Walk for Water:
Over 3000 people walked across the iconic Sea Cliff Bridge in opposition to coal seam gas mining. Simultaneously, abseilers lowered a banner from the escarpment that read: "The community has spoken. Stop CSG! -

25 October 2011

Postcard from the ASP stop at Portugal

Gabriel Medina - 2011 Rip Curl Pro, Portugal

Photo: Rip Curl Pro

14 October 2011

Dane Reynold's pad reduces waste

"Coming Soon! Dane's new signature pad. No two are alike -- all completely original. Made from 100% post-production waste.

Awesome idea! It gets the 1000SG tick of approval - waste reduction through creativity and innovation! and who better then Dane Reynolds to endorse such a product right now...?

Source: Channel Islands Surfboards Blog

13 October 2011

Breaking Point: Quiksilver Pro France 2011

The Quiksilver Pro France 2011 was full of action this year, as per usual - big moves went down, but not without some big breakages too.

These photographs and video succinctly highlight the paradox
currently facing surfboards: on one hand, toxic materials (mainly PU/polyester resin & EPS/epoxy resin) provide the perfect properties in a surfboard that allow high profile professionals to execute the most progressive moves surfing has seen to date, whilst on the other hand they simply snap.

Photos: ASP / Quiksilver
Video: Quiksilver

Joel Parkinson, Julian Wilson, Adrian 'Ace' Buchan & Brett Simpson

8 October 2011


Just in case you've ever wondered what 200 broken board halves might look at your house...